Flanders AI Forum on 23/01/2020
On January 23rd, Agoria, Voka, imec and Sirris with the support of VLAIO organized the first Flanders AI Forum with the presence of Hilde Crevits, Viceminister-president, Vlaams minister van Economie, Innovatie, Werk, Social economie en Landbouw, to present different initiatives in the framework of the AI impulsprogramme.
Two initiatives of the EluciDATA Lab were presented:
The SKAIDive project, which aims at creating an interactive Starter Kit Platform for the adoption of industrial AI and Data Science competencies by companies.

The AI4DETAIL project aiming at building up and transferring knowledge related to gathering and exploiting in-the-field asset usage data.

Interested in one of the initiatives? Get in touch with us!